Irish Pallottines
3352 4th Street
Wyandotte, MI 48192
Annual Pallottine and FOUI Golf Outing
Saturday, June18th 2021 - 9am - 2pm
Supporting our Missionary Work

Annual Golf Outing - June 18th 2022
Annual Golf Outing & Buffet Dinner
Inkster Valley Golf Club
2150 Middlebelt Rd, Inkster, Mi 48141
18 Holes of Golf & Cart $95.00 per Golfer / $380.00 Foursome
Registration: CHECK IN 8:00am – TEE OFF 9:00am
734-285-2966 or 313-382-4545
Download Flyer Golf Outing 2022
Information & fees: $90 per golfer/ $360 foursome
Mail Payment to: Pallottine Fathers, 424 Orange Street, Wyandotte, MI 48192
or Dunlevey's Bar and Grill 6004 Allen Rd, Allen Park, MI 48101
Captain _______________________ Address ___________________________
Golfer 2 _______________________ Phone ____________________________
Golfer 3 _______________________ Email _____________________________
Golfer 4 _______________________ Total Fee Enclosed $_______________
SPONSOR A HOLE FOR A $100: Hole Sponsor Name: -