Irish Pallottines
424 Orange St.
Wyandotte, MI 48192
Mass Cards - Irish Pallottines
Perpetual Mass Enrollment
Our Perpetual Mass is an enrollment in three daily shared masses. This Everlasting membership for your deceased or living loved one may be used for any occasion:
- a death
- an illness
- a special intention
- weddings
- anniversaries
- birthdays
...or any other significant moment where you would like to reach out to a special person and let them know you are praying for them.
To personalize your order please Click Here.
An Individual Mass and/or Mass Card
An Individual Mass will be offered for your specific intention, the mass will be celebrated by a member of the Irish Pallottine Community in Wyandotte. The following is a list of masses available:
- Mass Offering for Deceased
- Birthday Blessings
- Birthday Blessings Mass Card
- In Loving Memory
- Mass of Remembrance
- Our Lady of Lourdes
- Special Intentions
- Special Healing
- Mass for the Repose of the Soul
To personalize your order please Click Here.