Irish Pallottines
424 Orange St.
Wyandotte, MI 48192
Watch this YouTube video which shows the great work completed by Doctors for Raymundi. Many Thanks to all our benefactors to this project.
Raymundi is a 16-year-old young boy from Tanzania, he suffers from a severe spinal disability, also known as Scoliosis- a condition that causes the spine to curve to the side. It can affect any part of the spine, but the most common regions are the chest area (thoracic scoliosis) and the lower section of the back (lumbar scoliosis). One of the Pallottine Projects was to support Raymond's recovery.
Many Thanks to all who continue to support The Irish Pallottine Fathers Missionary Projects.
Dear Sir / Madam,
Please kindly find someone who can help this patient, a boy with severe distressing scoliosis. Specifically we are seeking sponsors for his surgery in India. Below is an outline of the costings as received by Fr Tom Ryan SAC of Siuyu Rehabilitation centre
Dr. Rajendra Prasad and his team (incl.ortho-spine surgeon) have seen the reports and have replied: "We have seen your detailed report and the images sent. It is a severe curve and needs a lot of planning. Raymundi will surely need a early surgery considering rapid progression and respiratory complaints. Overall, looking at the curve (long C shaped), mostly we are looking at long fixation down to the pelvis to stabilize and centralize the spine.
For planning the case and to have a better idea, we will appreciate if you can send us whole spine lateral xray, right/left bending xrays and if possible traction films for us to assess the curve flexibility and pelvic obliquity. That will help us to give an cost estimate for surgery. Please let me know if you are able to send me these reports. I look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely,Rohini Gaur
Dear Prof Mallya,
Thank you for your e-mail. We will be happy to evaluate him , do the necessary tests and then plan surgery As we discussed in the previous mail, it is a complex problem and will need thorough evaluation. For the investigations the cost will be approximately 500 USD $.
Further, as far as scoliosis surgery is concerned, if a single stage posterior surgery is required the cost will be approx. 8500 USD $ plus 5500 USD $ for implants. If anterior release surgery is required prior to posterior stabilisation an additional cost of approximately 7000 USD $ may be added. the costs include surgery and a week in hospital from a general ward or longer stay in hospital or ICU because of poor lung function will cost extra. You have sent a very detailed and excellent summary ! I hope he does not have dystonia movements, because holding the head sounds dystonic. is it possible to send a video of him walking? As you see the cost of this surgery is very high, even if all goes smoothly. Is it not possible for the Ministry to sponsor him?
Please let us know, if you may need any further details regarding the same. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best Wishes, Dr. Rajendra Prasad
In summary this complicated surgery could cost between 14,000 and 21,000 USD depending on the complications. Please let me know how you would like to proceed
Sincerely, Rohini Gaur